AirNav RadarBox Stats: Business Jets

Business Jet Statistics provided by AirNav RadarBox 

RadarBox provides a number of flight statistics for airlines, airports, and countries and regions worldwide. Today, let's explore statistics for business jets.

To find this statistic, select the "Business Jets" option and choose the specific region or country from which you want to collect the data. You can also download this data in CSV; just click on "Download CSV".

Business Jet Statistics provided by AirNav RadarBox 

In the example below, we've selected the global business jet statistics from May 29 to June 4. It is worth remembering that this number is a 7-day weekly average. In other words, 10,900 business flights were operated around the world daily, with a total of 76,629 flights in this period.

Business Jet Statistics provided by AirNav RadarBox 

We also include the option to compare these figures with other regions and countries around the world. The US figures represent over 60% of the business flights operated worldwide (total business). 

Business Jet Statistics provided by AirNav RadarBox 

Business Jet Statistics provided by AirNav RadarBox 

Business Jet Statistics provided by AirNav RadarBox 

Find this and other statistics at, or if you are looking for a customized statistic or data, please get in touch with us at [email protected].


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