Playback is now available in the RadarBox App

Playback in the RadarBox App 

AirNav RadarBox is pleased to announce the addition of the playback feature to both iOS and Android apps in the latest update (Version 2.4.2). This popular feature allows for the replay of previous flights within a 365-day period (for business accounts). 

What the feature looks like

To use the playback function, open your RadarBox app, select the "Playback" option, select a date and playback speed, then click "play" to replay past flights worldwide. 

Playback in the RadarBox App 

You can also select a specific day and time by selecting the calendar icon and clicking on "Choose date". Simple, isn't it? Further, the cloud coverage weather layer also displays the conditions of the chosen date and the NAT tracks on the map.


Playback in the RadarBox App 

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